Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Frustrated at NPR's imprecise language in "Pakistan's Transgenders In A Category of Their Own"

Hello All Things Considered, I was troubled to hear the imprecise use of language in your segment from Monday's show about Pakistani hijras. Throughout the segment you use the word "transvestite" interchangeably with "transgender," even though the individuals interviewed clearly describe their gender identity as neither male not female. The word "transvestite" is widely used to describe people (usually men) with intact male gender identities who dress in women's clothing, as opposed to transgender people who usually identify as a gender different from the one assigned them at birth. While I appreciate that NPR is interested in covering stories from beyond the gender binary, I really wish you would have done your homework a little bit better. It is no small distinction to those of us who live with non-normative gender identities, and we deserve the respect of a few hours of research. Many thanks, R. E. H. Gordon Brooklyn, NY

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