Monday, March 17, 2008

NY Times Article about Transgender College Students

Overall, I think this article does a pretty good job of realistically presenting the possibility of a society operating on the basis of a gender continuum as opposed to a binary. Not as interested in the parts about women's schools, but overall it makes me hopeful for the future.

1 comment:

Baker said...

Alissa Quart: 2002 called, they want their scoop back.

The NYT is quite the tranny chaser, it would seem, since this story is the most recent instance of coverage the Times has offered on trans--and in keeping with climactic trends in the queer community, FTM-specific--press in the past few years.

(see also:

Any press may be good press (although I'm not sure that adage holds firm when the well-meaning handle sensitive topics), but this is just old news! Another story profiling a privileged white upper middle-class FTM that avoids taking a stance on the one interesting issue it raises: male-identified people in women's schools.